
Jay Z & JT’s “Holy Grail” and Using Facebook To Promote New Music

Justin Timberlake and Jay Z singing “Suit & Tie” at the 2013 Grammy Awards.

On August 29, Jay Z posted the music video to his and Justin Timberlake’s new song “Holy Grail” exclusively on his Facebook fan page. According a report by Mashable, the video was only available on Jay Z’s page for the first 24 hours of its release, something never attempted before in the music realm. I think this was a great move for a number of reasons:

  1. Delivering  new music to your fans (in this sense, I’m referring to people who “Like” your page”) on social media allows you to gain valuable feedback in real-time. This can be helpful as a way to ‘test the waters’ and get a feel for how the public will respond before releasing it to the rest of the online community.
  2. In this case, the use of a unique exclusive release was a great way to generate media buzz for the music video.
  3. Forcing fans to visit Jay Zs page in order to access the new video likely led to more page “Likes” and, therefore, more users he can reach with future releases.
  4. Facebook (like most social media platforms) allows the users to easily “like” and share the video, both of which will push the video onto the News Feeds of “friends-of-fans” and boost its overall reach and viewership.
  5. Posting the video exclusively to Jay Z’s page ensures that users who are already fans of his work will be the first to experience it. This can be useful in creating an incentive for non-fans to follow his online presence while also giving current fans satisfaction in being some of the first to have access to the video. Releasing “fan-only” content can generate a sense of appreciation among fans, which can be used to improve Jay Z’s online presence and his strengthen his relationship with his fans.

Click here for the Facebook Post on Jay Z’s fan page and check out the Mashable article.